Process Sending Image To The Server Using Background

Fabio Rocha de Farias
1 min readAug 25, 2020

Case study

System for sending inspection, occurrence, service with the possibility of sending images. This sending does not depend on being connected at the moment, it can be done later when you get access to the internet.

Why send it later?

When an employee is in a basement without conditions to access the internet, he performs all his inspection, occurrence, service without the dependence of having internet.

Process send image in background

Item table

Images table

The logical process

In the first action of the background you send the event, visit … or whatever it is and when this sending receives an OK status from your server (200) you can then turn your image table with iCanSend to true

After that we seraching images with isSend false, using method first in your database for get one image to send server, after response success you change isSend to true;



Fabio Rocha de Farias

I am a software developer very enthusiastic about technology